February 2004

To say that the change to being a part of the Van Nuys District has been challenging would be an understatement.  Whether one talks to Letter Carriers, Supervisors, Managers, Maintenance Workers, Custodians, Clerks, even Postmasters (and most especially customers!) everyone notices how quickly service has deteriorated.  Morale is in the gutter.  Yes, despite it all, the mail is delivered....at great cost to us and to the USPS.

We have been told that we can expect to be mandated to work on our scheduled days off.  And we have been.

We are also told that any requests for a "spot" day of annual will be denied.  And they have been.

We are mandated to work overtime every day.  Day after day...

The problem is that there are not enough Letter Carriers to deliver the mail.   Staffing is a management responsibility.  They have "saved" the Service by cutting costs.   Now they are dealing with the "cost" of their actions.

But, to keep things in perspective, I want to share with you some information from the Portland, Oregon area.  Please attempt to read between the lines....page 1, page 2 (use your browser's "back button" to return to this article)

Let me tell you how enjoyable the Branch 782 Retiree Brunch turned out.

The food was good and the chance to visit with many old friends, retired and active, was very special.  It was also interesting how many retirees had comments about how bad they think the service has become.  In conversation after conversation, they all agreed that retirement is better than having to deal with the new and improved Postal "Service".

I hope that every one of you will have the chance to say the someday!  To get there, remember:  Be Safe"  Be Professional!  Be Consistent! Be Proud!

In closing, let me remind you that our monthly General Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday February 24, 2004.  We have these meetings to serve you.... Com.  Address your concerns.  Help us best represent you and your issues. 

F.A. Thomasy, Branch 782 President