July 2003

The regular meeting of Br. 782 was called to order by President Frank Thomasy at 7:34 pm, the 22nd day of July, 2003 at the Branch office, 2628 F Street, Bakersfield.  The flag salute was let by Sgt at Arms, Jeff Harrington.  All members of the Executive Board were present except Trustee, Darryl Holderman.  The stewards from 01, 06, 07, 08, 09, Camino Media, Delano, Lamont, Shafter and Wasco were present.  Also present was Newsletter Editor, Basil Zuniga and OWCP Representative, George Perez.

The minutes of the June 24, 2003 meeting were read and accepted with no additions or corrections.

APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP:  Applications were received from Ricarte Burgos and Sarbjit Singh.

REPORTS OF SPECIAL AND STANDING COMMITTEES:  Tina Harbour reported that the plans for the picnic are coming along.  The park and the clown have been reserved.  Insurance and prizes have been purchased.  She asked Margaret Romero to make the flyer for the stations and the newsletter.  Bill Curtis reported that he checked into having the Retiree Brunch at the Crystal Palace.  The brunch is from 9:30 to 1:30.  The cost is $16.95 per person.  Bill Curtis made a motion that the Branch pay for the Retiree and his or her spouse or guest.  Active members would pay $10.00 each with the Branch paying the balance.  Seconded by Joe Jones.  A discussions was held.  Brad Smith made a friendly amendment that the Branch sell 60 tickets at $10.00 each for active members and their guests.  The Branch would make up the balance and the retiree and guest would still be paid by the Branch.  The amendment was not acceptable to Joe Jones who seconded the original motion.  Basil Zuniga thanked Judy Roberson for the members who showed up to help with the newsletter.  He also thanked those from Dle Ct.  He reported that he would not be at the next newsletter folding.  It will be Dole Court's turn.  They should not have any problems without him.  Tina Harbour needs keys to the office.  Mike Towery will get them for her. 



GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION:  Molly Biggar reported on that there was an Audit on July 9 and a Budget Meeting on July 14.  If you would like a copy of the Budget or have any questions regarding the Budget please see Molly.  Basil discussed the response he received regarding the OTDL article in the newsletter.  Frank Thomasy reported that Joe Jones will be the new Representative of Retiree Members.

IMPROVEMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION:  Frank Thomasy discussed the fact that Bakersfield wil be part of the Van Nuys District, effective July 26, 2003.

FINANCIAL SECRETARY'S REPORT:  Diana Chavez reported that $11,993.71 was collected for July 2003.

TREASURER'S REPORT:  Molly Biggar reported:

Beginning Balance        $25,789.29

Income                               15,436.01

Interest Income                            2.47  

Balance                            $41,227.77

Expenses                           13,047.14

Ending Balance               $28,180.63

The COLCPE drawing was won by Pam Mauck.

The drawing for $50.00 would have been won by David Thomas, except he was not present.

There were 26 members present.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kim Gerdes, Branch 782 Recording Secretary