January 2004

The regular meeting of Branch 782 was called to order by President R=Frank Thomasy at 7:32 p.m. the 27th day of January, 2004 at the Branch office, 2628 F Street, Bakersfield.  the flag salute was led by Sergeant-at-Arms, Jeff Harrington.  All members of the Executive Board were present.  the stewards from 04, 05, 07, 08. 09, Camino Media, Delano, Lamont, Shafter and Wasco were present.  Also present were Newsletter Editor Basil Zuniga; S.A.N.E., Fred Acedo, OWCP Representative George Perez, Safety and Health Representative Danny Blair, and Anita Holderman of the Social and Recreation Committee.  The minutes of the December 16, 2003 meeting were read and accepted with no additions or corrections. 

APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP:  Applications for member ship were received from Sandra Altizer and Robert Zuniga.

REPORTS OF SPECIAL AND STANDING COMMITTEES:  Frank Thomasy reported that the Retiree Brunch will be February 15th from noon until 2:00 at the Crystal Palace.  Contact Frank at the office if you plan to attend.  All retirees and their spouses are free and the Branch will pay $10.00 of the cost of all active members who attend.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  The stucco on the front of the building needs to be repaired.  A discussion was held regarding replacing the sidewalk in the front of the building.  Diana Chavez asked that everyone please cash or deposit their Branch checks.  It makes it difficult to have an audit and to balance the check book with so many outstanding checks.   


GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION:  Bill Curtis made a motion that we temporarily double Frank's hours for the next two months to help the stewards with all the grievances.  Seconded by Alan Smith.  A discussion was held.  Jerry Patterson called for the question.  A vote was taken and the motion passes.  Frank discussed the need for a second Shop Steward meeting on the third Tuesday of the month.  This meeting will be to help stewards get the information they need and help with grievances.  Silver Farr made a motion to have a Second Steward meeting on the third Tuesday.  This will be a required meeting and will be compensated.  Seconded by Danny Blair and the motion passed.  Par Farr asked that the branch investigate getting a cell phone plan, so that everyone could communicate more efficiently.  Silver Farr will look into cell phone plans.  Silver Farr asked how carriers can find out about grievance resolves.  Frank suggested the carrier contact him and he will get th4em a copy of the resolve.  Brad Smith asked about setting up a date.  Basil reported that East Bakersfield will fold the newsletter next month.  Frank report4ed that Gary Kelsey is retiring.  His retirement party will be February 8th.


FINANCIAL SECRETARY'S REPORT:  Diana Chavez reported that $16,399.87 was collected for January 2004.

TREASURER'S REPORT:  Molly Biggar reported for December 2003.

Beginning Balance:             $38,426.18

Dues and income:                $16,341.12

Interest Income                    $           .18

Balance:                               $54,767.48

Total Expenses:                    $10,863.84

Ending Balance:                    $43,903.64

The COLCPE drawing was won by Irene Pasos.

The drawing for $350.00 would have been won by Michael Underwood, except he was not present.

There were 34 members present.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Gerdes, Branch 782 Recording Secretary