February 2004

The regular meeting of Branch 782 was called to order by President Frank Thomasy at 7:31 p.m. the 24tgh day of February, 2004 at the Branch office, 2628 F Street, Bakersfield.  The flag salute was led by Sergeant-at-Arms, Jeff Harrington.  All members of the Executive Board were present.  The stewards from 04, 05, 08, 09, Camino Media, Delano, Lamont, Shafter and Wasco were present.  Also present was Newsletter Editor Basil Zuniga, S.A.N.E. Fred Acedo, OWCP Representative George Perez, Safety and Health Representative Danny Blair, and Anita Holderman of the Social and Recreation Committee.  The minutes of the January 27, 2004 Meeting were read and accepted with no additions or corrections. 

APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP;  Applications for membership were received from Kelli Watkins-Hicks, Javier Silva and Ricardo Obando.

REPORTS OF SPECIAL AND STANDING COMMITTEES:  Frank Thomasy reported on the Retiree Brunch.  He will get a list of those who attended to Basil for the newsletter.  Randy Coursen volunteered to be in charge of the Retiree Dinner/Luncheon next year.  Silver Farr volunteered to be the Director of Retirees.  Basil Zuniga reported that the newsletter was not ready for folding night.  He had the printer fold and staple.  It will be East Bakersfield's turn next month.  Silver Farr reported on cell phone plan.  She will look further into phone companies and report next month.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  The stucco on the front of the building was supposed to be repaired today.  The rain postponed the repairs until the weekend.

NEW BUSINESS:  Bill Curtis reported that the Safe 1 account has been closed and the money, $2,235.24, will be deposited into the CD at Taft National Bank.

GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION:  Frank Thomasy reported that Anita Holderman will be helping Molly Biggar with the Treasurer duties.  Frank also reminded everyone that the equipment in the office is not available to borrow.  The tables and chairs in the storage rooms can be borrowed by branch members.  It must be signed for and a trustee must check the equipment out t to the member.  Jeff Harrington would like to get a bowling tournament going to help lighten the mood.  Anita Holderman will check with the Social and Recreation committee to see what can be done.  Frank reminded everyone that George Perez is the OWCP Specialist.  Any questions or concerns should be directed to George.  Dian Chavez reported that Robert ("Bubba") Mitchell will retire March 6th.  Basil Zuniga reported that the Postmaster has been removed from the mailing list.  He will no longer receive a complimentary issue of the newsletter.  Frank Thomasy discussed the removal of two employees.  Four Postal Inspectors have been in town for several months investigating mail theft.  He reminded everyone not to take "anything". k Don not put your job at risk.  The postmaster is serious about removing employees.  The missing mail items were from different routes.  You may be questioned regarding missing mail from your route.  DO NOT allow Postal Inspectors to search your person, locker, purse or personal vehicle.  They may find something unrelated to what they are looking for, which could be cause for removal.  If you are read your "Miranda Rights" by the inspectors, call an attorney.  You could be arrested if you are read your "rights".  If asked to submit to a drug test, say NO.  It is voluntary.  Do not give this Right away.  Paul Alexander reminded everyone that Postal Inspectors "have no rules" and that they can be dressed as a customer or a fellow employee.

IMPROVEMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION:  Bill Curtis reported that the last time his LLV was taken in for service, the left side window was sealed.  Basil Zuniga reported that a standup was given at South Station that if your route was vacant on your scheduled day off, you will be mandated to work and no spot annual will be granted.  Frank reminded everyone that "Spot" annual is leave that is granted above the percentage allowed.  Percentage leave will be granted for leave prior to the schedule being made.  A discussion was held regarding management forcing employees to change doctor appointments that have been scheduled after normal work hours or on non-scheduled days.  The employee should ask the supervisor if he/she is going to interfere with your doctor's care?  If you feel you were forced to change your doctor appointment, reschedule it, fill out a 3971, and have the doctor fill out FMLA forms.

FINANCIAL SECRETARY'S REPORT:  Diana Chavez reported that $11,677.87 was collected for February 2004.

TREASURER'S REPORT:  Molly Biggar reported for January 2003.

Beginning Balance:                    $43,903.64

Dues and Income:                    $10,479.97

Interest Income:                        $          .21

Balance:                                    $54,383.82

Total Expenses:                        $   5,428.99

Ending Balance:                        $48,954.83

Molly Biggar also reported that she will be moving $10,000 to the convention account.

The COLCPE drawing was won by George Perez.

The drawing for $400.00 would have been won by Jagwinder Singh, except he was not present. 

Basil reported that Silver Farr researched the NALC Constitution and discovered that supervisors and managers may belong to the union, but only for the purpose of belonging to the Health Plan; therefore, they are not eligible to win the General Meeting Drawing.  He suggested if a supervisor or manager's name is drawn, we draw another name. 

There were 40 members present.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Gerdes, Branch 782 Recording Secretary